Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Advantages of Investing In Shares

Each individual living in this world has his own goals and ambitions and during the whole life he tries to make them come true. But for being able to achieve our desired goals one of the most important things that we need to have is money. There are people who monthly put some part of their salary aside or keep piggy banks trying to save some money for the realization of their desires while there is a certain category of people who invest their money in a specific field.

There is such a widely spread opinion that only rich people can enter the boundless world of investments and double their fortune. However that’s not true, as anyone can afford himself to take part in investments. Nowadays, there are many types of investments and each one can easily choose the best variant for him to invest his money.

Today, one of the most common and popular types of investment are considered to be shares. As it is known shares are the small part of each company and if someone owns a share than he owns a little part of the company and becomes entitled to part of its profits. But before doing any investment it is quite vital to do good research and find out everything about the company you are going to invest in. Today, there is a wide choice of well-known companies, where you can invest your money such as Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, McDonald’s, Samsung, Pepsi, etc.

Like any investment, investing in shares also has its advantages and disadvantages. Now, let us see what the main advantages of investing in shares are.

  • You become a shareholder
Buying a share, you automatically become a part owner of the company, which in its turn means that you get the right to obtain dividend, which is the part of the profit made by the company at the end of each year. It should be pointed out that the more shares you own the more money you will receive at the end of the year.

  • Your capital increases rapidly
One of the main advantages of investing in shares is of course the income you receive. It goes without saying that the price of shares is tend to move up and down which can cause you either get or lose your money. But if  you have chosen the company which is very popular, which has a great demand and in case everything goes right with your investment than be sure to expect high returns.

  • Shares are easy to sell and buy

In comparison with other types of investment, shares are quite easy to buy or sell. You can buy a share at a lower price and when the price of the share increases sell it at a higher price. Today, everyone wants to earn money and become a part of the famous companies, so it won’t present any difficulty to sell or buy a share.

By the way, as the world keeps on developing rapidly, each day there happens thousands of innovations and today one of such innovations are CFDs. A CFD (Contract for Difference) is an agreement between two parties, usually known as a buyer and a seller, on the difference of the prices various underlying assets (share, index, commodity, etc.). In other words, the creation of CFDs has made our lives easier, as nowadays you don’t have to waste much time and effort, collect various documents for buying a share of the company. With CFDs it has become much easier and more comfortable. So, without really possessing a share or any other asset, you can also gain much money.

Incidentally, for being able to buy a CFD, you will need the help of a brokerage company. Today, there is a wide range of brokers and each one can easily find the one which best corresponds to his needs. One of such brokers is IFC Markets, a leading CFD broker, which offers a wide range of stock CFDs (German stock, Chinese stock, US stock, Japanese stock and many more).

To sum up with, it should be admitted that before doing any investment, one should think carefully and should be ready to face not only success but also failure.

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